Saturday, March 1, 9:00 a.m., Library (next to the restrooms in the Community Center)
Did you know that Epiphany has a library? It is probably the largest parish library in the Archdiocese of Louisville. It is long overdue to purge books that are no longer useful or meaningful so we can have space for more up-to-date items. We need your help to do this. Each book must be inspected for copyright date and condition. Then selected old books must be deleted from the computer. These older books will be given away after all is completed. If you can help by giving a few hours to look at the books, erase Epiphany’s stamp in them, and simply spend time with fellow parishioners helping out, join us in the library. If you can stay past noon, we can brown bag it.
Please, let Rosemary Smith know if you can help, and how long you can be there that day. Contact her at 502-767-5368 or [email protected].