Enter, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the Lord who made us.
— Psalm 95:6
We welcome you to enjoy a unique experience with Christ in our Worship Center.
To make Mass easier to experience, we offer you the following:
Our Worship Center and Blessed Sacrament Chapel are open for quiet prayer on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. until the doors are secured at 4:00 p.m.
Download the document to read along with the audio.
Fr. Toan Feb. 9 - 5th Sunday In O.T.Our Prayer Chain ministers commit to praying for your requests shared, treasuring the sensitive and sometimes confidential nature of the requests, and respecting the vulnerability of the people in need. Please click on the form to make your request.
8:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on most holy days. (Check the weekly bulletin for current times or changes in schedule.)
9:30 a.m. or 10:00 a.m. for certain celebrations, including New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, etc. (Check the weekly bulletin for current times or changes in schedule.)
8:30 a.m. - Tuesday - Friday
If a funeral is scheduled on these days, the 8:30 Mass is canceled and all are encouraged to attend the funeral.
Check the homepage, inbox, or bulletin for changes in the above schedule.
Holidays and holy days sometimes change the schedule. Please see the parish calendar for details.
For the sick and homebound, audio recordings of the weekend liturgy are available through the parish office. Please call the office to receive an email link to the recordings.
No Saturday 5:30 p.m. Mass on Holy Saturday evening. (Easter Vigil Liturgy begins at 5:30 a.m. on Easter morning.)
No Saturday 5:30 p.m. Mass on the first Saturday of May (Derby Day).
After Mass each Friday morning for centering prayer, at 9:15 a.m.
Epiphany has a permanent outdoor labyrinth that can be prayed privately at any time. It is located on the hillside rise at the northeast entrance to the Worship Center, accessed by a path from the southeast corner of the main parking lot. There is a raised miniature glass labyrinth in this area for those with walking or vision disabilities, which can be prayed by moving one's fingers over the raised path of the "Finger Labyrinth."
Download the printable flyer with ideas on how to pray with the labyrinth.
Download labyrinth prayer flyer
Communal recitation of the Rosary is celebrated every Monday at 5:00 p.m. in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
SoulLife offers a three-month-long opportunity for spiritual development through contemplative prayer, in the fall and winter/spring. Our next meeting times are on Tuesdays, January 31, February 7 & 21, March 7 & 21, April 11 & 18, and May 2.
Taizé prayer is a meditative form of prayer. It is based on the musical style of prayer celebrated at the ecumenical monastic community of Taizé, in Burgundy, France. Through the repetition of musical phrases over and over, your body and your mind slow down enough to be able to listen to the voice of God that is planted deep within you.
Taizé prayer is celebrated at 7:30 a.m. on the second Friday of every month and every Friday morning in Lent. Contact Kathi Ley for the Zoom link.
At the time of death, a funeral director or loved one may contact the parish to arrange for a funeral liturgy.
Loved ones are invited to take an active role in preparing the funeral liturgy. Planning will include the selection of readings, music, and how family members and friends will be actively involved. For example, many families choose to have someone give a memorial reflection, be lectors for the readings, lead the Prayers of the Faithful, or serve as Eucharistic Ministers.
Funerals can be celebrated Tuesday through Friday at a time convenient to the family that does not conflict with scheduled parish events. A Catholic Mass of Resurrection is celebrated in the Worship Center unless the situation warrants other arrangements.