Advocates Call Our Attention to Gun Safety Legislation; Action Needed
The 2024 Kentucky legislature is considering a bill to temporarily take guns away from those considered a danger to themselves or others in a moment of crisis. The (CARR) bill SB13 is assigned to the VMAPP Committee. Please Support
Also, the Catholic Conference of Kentucky (Catholic Bishops of Kentucky) has asked us to voice our opinion on the following:
HB15 criminalizes homelessness and creates a two-tiered system of penalties for vandalism based on financial means. It could also lead to an expansion of the death penalty. Oppose
SB 20 It takes away a judge’s discretion when deciding whether to transfer a juvenile case to Circuit Court when a firearm is involved and does not allow the judge to consider the maturity of the individual or developmental disabilities. Oppose
HB2 places an amendment on the ballot in November, to make clear the General Assembly has the authority to enact educational choice programs. Supports
SB142 This proposal provides paid leave to all state employees for the birth, adoption, or foster placement of a child. Supports
Kentuckians for the Commonwealth asks us to oppose SB367.
HB367 is in the Senate for a vote. It would take food assistance away from many Kentucky households, including children and seniors. It would also
mean spending state dollars to refuse federal dollars that go toward feeding people. It is now in the Senate. Oppose
Action: Call the Kentucky legislative hotline to tell all the senators and representatives your positions on these bills.
Advocates meet on the first Monday of every other month. The next meeting is Monday, May 6. Contact Mike Fitzgerald (502-802-2165 or [email protected]).